How To Prevent Your Emails From Falling Into Spam

The guidelines below will help you to avoid getting your emails treated, labeled and thrown away as Spam.

What is SPAM?

SPAM is an unwanted commercial email that is sent to a large number of recipients.

Best Practices

Apart from the governmental requirements, use the following best practices to make sure your emails will get to target recipients.
  1. Use a trusted IP address to send emails. Every IP-address has its own rating: if it is low, then the letter will likely be regarded as spam. Check the reputation of your IP on one of the IP presence in spam databases resources. For different types of messages (private business, mass customer newsfeed, mass “cold” emailing), use a different IP not to lose communication with all recipients.
  2. Use a reliable internet domain. This means you should not use free domains for sending mass emails. Mark your domain with special DKIM keys (Gmail allows keys no longer than 1024 bits), and SPF keys.
  3. Use real names in the emails. Avoid using such words as “lottery”, “opportunity”, “click”, “buy”, “download”, etc.
  4. Regularly count the percentage of messages delivered, opened and replied emails as well as the quantity of bounced emails (Reply does this for you automatically). This will help you to make sure everything goes as planned.
  5. If your bounce rate is higher than 10% and open and reply rates are lower than 2%, you are in the high-risk category of being listed in the anti-spam systems.
  6. Avoid using unnecessary code and tags in the email template.
  7. Do not copy and paste content from text editors such as Microsoft Word as it may contain code and trigger anti-spam systems.
  8. Use professional email templates.
  9. Use A/B testing to understand how different variations of content affect performance key indicators.