Importance Of CRM Reports & How to Use Them!


In modern business, staying ahead requires not just hard work, but also smart strategies. One such strategy that has become indispensable for businesses, especially small ones, is Customer Relationship Management (CRM). CRM systems help businesses manage their interactions with customers, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency. However, the real power of CRM lies not just in data collection, but in how you utilize that data to drive actionable insights of your small business.This is where CRM reports come into play.

CRM reports provide valuable insights into customer data, which can help businesses make informed decisions and improve their overall performance. These insights help small businesses to make informed decisions, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of CRM reports and top 10 CRM reports that can help small businesses achieve success.

Importance of CRM Reports:

CRM reports help businesses keep track of their sales, customer interactions, marketing campaigns, and service issues. With the help of these reports, businesses can identify areas of improvement, track customer behavior and preferences, and ultimately improve their bottom line. By analyzing this data, businesses can also identify high-value customers, create targeted marketing campaigns, and improve customer retention rates.

For small businesses, CRM reports are especially important. These reports provide a wealth of information that can help small business owners make informed decisions and grow their business. By analyzing customer data, small business owners can improve their sales strategy, identify new opportunities, and increase their revenue.

Also Read:34 powerful CRM reports you should be using

Which CRM Reports to Evaluate?

As these reports gives insights and analytics  on core business activities and that makes them most crucial for small business to analyse.Followig are the essential CRM reports to evaluate:

Sales Performance Report:

Your team's performance plays a pivotal role in your business’s success.This report provides insights into individual and team performance It helps businesses identify top-performing salespeople and areas where additional training may be necessary. This report can also help identify areas where salespeople are struggling and may need additional support.

Salesforce uses CRM reports to track the performance of its sales team and identify areas for improvement. As a result, Salesforce has been able to increase its sales by 25% year-over-year.

For example, if a salesperson is consistently underperforming, a business can use this report to identify areas where they may need additional training. By providing this training, businesses can improve their sales team's overall performance and increase their revenue.

Sales Activity Report:

A sales activity report is an overview of the tasks individual sales team members have completed within a specific timeframe. These tasks can include sending emails, making phone calls, holding meetings, and other related activities. This report not only displays the types of actions that salespeople are doing to engage with potential customers but also reveals the results of those interactions.

By using a sales activity report, sales managers can keep track of how the entire team is doing and spot any challenges that might be stopping salespeople from reaching their sales goals.Half of the sales teams reported that their productivity was strengthened thanks to the use of mobile CRM.

For example, if a salesperson is consistently making a high number of calls, a business can use this report to identify their sales strategy and use it as a benchmark for other members of their sales team. By using this report to identify best practices, businesses can improve their overall sales performance.

Sales Managers and Team Leaders should draft and evaluate this report.

Sales Cycle Report:

Sales Cycle gives a time period on how long it takes for a potential customer to become a real one.The sales cycle report provides insights into the sales process and how it is progressing. This report tracks lead generation, lead qualification, proposal development, and contract negotiations. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify areas where the sales process may be slowing down and take action to improve it.So, the Sales Cycle Report isn't just numbers—it's like a treasure map to more sales and happy customers.

Access to improved data can reduce the sales cycle by 8-14%.

For example, a business may use a sales cycle report to identify which stage of the sales process is taking the longest. If they find that proposals are taking too long to develop, they may need to invest in improving their proposal templates or providing additional training to their sales team. By improving the sales cycle, businesses can increase their revenue and improve their overall sales performance.

Sales Managers and Team Leaders should draft and evaluate this report.

CRM Pipeline Analysis Report:

This report gives you a clear visual overview of your entire sales pipeline and how it is progressing. It gives insights on the overall count of leads and where they currently stand in your sales journey. This makes it simple to track how your potential customers are moving forward towards making a decision.

It allows you to observe how leads enter your sales process and where they drop off. This information helps you identify the most effective channels for generating leads and any issues that might be causing leads to lose interest before becoming customers.

According to Salesforce, 65% of businesses use CRM software to track their sales pipeline. 

HubSpot uses CRM reports to identify and track its most engaged leads. As a result, HubSpot has been able to increase its conversion rate by 15%.

For example, if a business is seeing a bottleneck at the proposal stage of the sales process, they may need to invest in improving their proposal templates or providing additional training to their sales team. By identifying these bottlenecks early on, businesses can make changes that will improve their overall sales performance.

Sales Managers and Team Leaders should draft and evaluate this report.

Profitability Report:

Profitability reports are used to track the financial performance of a business. The report provides insights into revenue, expenses, and profitability.By analyzing this data, businesses can identify areas where they can reduce costs, increase revenue, and improve their bottom line.

It also highlights the sources of your income, focusing on individual customers rather than marketing campaigns. By analyzing customer purchase history and buying behaviors, these reports help identify customers who're contributing the most to your earnings like the most loyal consumers.

Profitability Report is not just about numbers—it's a strategic compass that guides you towards making the right financial choices about your business. For example, a business may use a profitability report to compare revenue and expenses for different products or services. This can help them identify which products or services are most profitable and which may need to be discontinued. By reducing expenses and focusing on profitable products or services, businesses can increase their profitability and overall financial performance.

Revenue Forecast Report:

This report provides insights into future revenue based on current trends and sales performance. It helps businesses create accurate revenue forecasts and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

For example, if a business is forecasting a decrease in revenue in the coming months, they may need to adjust their marketing strategy or invest in new sales channels. By using this report to make informed decisions, businesses can avoid potential revenue losses and continue to grow their business.

Top level managers and Chief Financial officers can draft and evaluate this report.

Goal Progress Report:

The goal progress report provides insights into how well a business is meeting its goals. This report tracks progress towards specific goals, such as revenue targets, customer acquisition targets, or product development targets. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify areas where they are falling short and take action to improve their performance.

92% of businesses claim that CRM plays an important role in achieving their income goals

For example, a business may use a goal progress report to track progress towards a revenue target. If they find that they are falling short of their target, they may need to adjust their sales strategy or invest in new sales channels. By using this report to make informed decisions, businesses can stay on track to meet their goals and achieve success

Lead Source Analysis Report:

A lead source reveals how and from where businesses are attracting new customers.This report provides insights into where leads are coming from, whether it be from social media, email campaigns,webforms,referrals or other sources. It assists sales and marketing managers in understanding which channels are delivering the best leads, conversions, and income.

This report acts like a helpful map for planning marketing strategies, as it points out the most effective places for finding leads that have the potential to become loyal customers.

HubSpot uses CRM reports to identify and track its most engaged leads. As a result, HubSpot has been able to increase its conversion rate by 15%.

For example, if a business is seeing a high number of leads coming from social media, they may want to invest more resources in social media marketing. By using this report to optimize their marketing campaigns, businesses can increase their lead generation and ultimately their revenue.

The Marketing and Lead Management team should draft and evaluate this report.

Marketing Campaign Analysis Report:

This report provides insights into the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. It helps businesses identify which campaigns are driving the most traffic, leads, and sales. By analyzing this data, businesses can optimize their marketing campaigns.

Amazon uses CRM reports to personalize its product recommendations and marketing campaigns. As a result, Amazon has been able to increase its sales and customer satisfaction.

For example, if a business is seeing a low ROI on a particular marketing campaign, they may want to adjust their strategy or invest in a different campaign. By using this report to make informed decisions, businesses can improve their marketing effectiveness and increase their revenue.

The Sales and Marketing team should draft and evaluate this report.

Sales Commission Reports:

Sales Commission Reports are essential reports to measure the contribution by each employee in the sales department. These reports provide a breakdown of the earnings that salespeople receive based on their sales achievements. These are not just numbers; they are a source of motivation for sales teams, as they clearly depict the financial rewards linked to their sales efforts.

This process ensures that salespeople are accurately compensated for their work and helps in budgeting and understanding the cost associated with the sales team. In essence, Sales Commission Reports are the scoreboard that keeps the sales team motivated and the business on track financially.

For example, if a salesperson closes a deal worth $1,000 and their commission rate is 10%, the report will clearly display a commission of $100 for that particular sale.By evaluating these reports it can help business to value its most hardworking employee and incentivize him/her.

The sales managers, HR and the finance department draft and evaluate these reports. 

Customer Invoice Reports:

Customer Invoice Reports are like a financial diary for businesses. They provide a comprehensive summary of the invoices sent to clients, detailing each transaction. This includes the date of the transaction, the items or services purchased, the quantities, the prices, and the total amounts owed. These reports are invaluable for tracking outstanding payments and maintaining meticulous financial records.

Typically, it's the accounting or finance department's responsibility to draft and evaluate Customer Invoice Reports. These reports play a pivotal role in monitoring a business's cash flow. For instance, if a client receives a monthly invoice for services totaling $500, the Customer Invoice Report for that month will include all the relevant details of this transaction. In essence, these reports ensure that the business receives payments promptly and keeps its financial house in order.

How to Use CRM Reports

To use CRM reports effectively, businesses should regularly review them and use the insights gained to make informed decisions. It is important to identify areas of improvement and take action to address them. Businesses should also use CRM reports to create targeted marketing campaigns, identify high-value customers, and improve customer retention rates.

When reviewing CRM reports, businesses should also be sure to involve all relevant stakeholders. This includes salespeople, marketing teams, customer service representatives, and management. By involving all stakeholders, businesses can ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that the insights gained from CRM reports are being used to their fullest potential.


CRM reports are an essential tool for small businesses looking to achieve success. By providing valuable insights into customer data, businesses can make informed decisions and improve their overall performance. These CRM reports discussed in this blog post can help businesses optimize their sales, marketing, and customer service efforts, ultimately leading to increased revenue and profitability. By using these reports effectively, small business owners can stay ahead of the competition and continue to grow their business.